点击下方名片关注我们 导读 7月31日,全红婵/陈芋汐夺得巴黎奥运会女子双人10米台冠军。在赛后发布会上,北京冬奥会冠军谷爱凌出现,让跳水“两小只”惊喜不已,谷爱凌送上毛绒礼物,全红婵害羞称自己喜欢的体育明星是她。以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 Chinese divers Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi blew away the competition to claim gold in the women's synchronised 10-metre platform event on July 31th. But for 17-year-old Hongchan, the appearance of fellow Olympic champion Eileen Gu at her post-win press conference has got to be the icing on the cake . 7月31日,中国跳水运动员全红婵和陈芋汐在女子双人10米跳台比赛中横扫对手,夺得金牌。但对于17岁的全红婵来说,奥运冠军谷爱凌出现在她夺冠后的新闻发布会上,无疑是锦上添花。 Her jaw dropped further when Eileen walked up to stage with plushies for her and Yuxi, and to congratulate