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稀有的鱼儿  · 简书  ·  · 2019-11-26 15:19



1、感官动词这几个感官动词feel ,hear ,smell,look,在主动语态里后接动词原形(无to)。例如:I saw him sing. I heard you play the piano. He feels him fly. I watched the girl cross the road.

2、使役动词使役动词let、 have 、make后接不定式没有to.

例如:You must  have  your son see his own mistakes. Let me go. Don't make her  laugh.

3、在why not 后没有to,基本结构可记忆why not do 更容易



Why not go with him?Why not have a rest?

(2)表示认为没有必要例如:Why worry. you can't do anything about it ?Why waste?

4、had better do 最好做…和would rather do 宁可做…后面的不定式没有to. '

You'd better drink the water now. or you will not be fine. I would rather go  by  bus now

5、Will  you  please do 征求意见,求助。例如:Will  you  please open the  window?Will  you  please give  me  a hand ?

6、help 可以有to 也可以没有toHelp the boy to carry  the  heavy box. Help the old man water the  flowers.

7、can't … but …,do nothing …but…结构中没有to

例如:We can't choose but obey

He can't help but feel sorry

for her.

We do nothing but wait.

以上是常用的不定式中不带to的几种情况,但是如果在被动语态中还是有to的,例如:I saw her  danceShe was seen to danceMake her laugh She was made to laugh 这些情况在被动语态里在详细讲解。


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