专栏名称: 运筹OR帷幄
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教职招聘 | 德国莱比锡大学招募代数学和组合学教职招募

运筹OR帷幄  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-30 20:00


运筹Offer 是 运筹OR帷幄 社区旗下的留学申请、求职资讯平台,聚焦运筹学、大数据、AI等领域,内容涵盖企业/高校招聘、职场/申请经历分享。 About the position We are looking for a junior researcher with a very strong research profile in a current area of algebra and combinatorics, related to the research profile of the department. Possible research topics include graph limits, graph algorithms, geometric group theory, measurable group theory, Borel and measurable combinatorics, descriptive set theory. Excellence in research should be demonstrated by publications in leading journals. The future holder of the position will be expected to demonstrate a high level of commitment to teaching, particularly across the full breadth of algebra and combinatorics, as well as to teacher training and student supervision. The teaching commitment is 4 hours per week (e.g. two 90-minute lectures per week) in the first three years and 6 hours per week af ………………………………

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