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道生万物 赋形未来 | 上海道生天合展厅

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-24 08:40


© 张静 “道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”材料科学之道,衍生于万物,合成于天地,创见于未来…… The Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, gives birth to three, and gives birth to all things. The Tao of material science originates from all things, synthesizes in heaven and earth, and creates insights for the future ……  上海道生天合展厅   Shanghai Daosheng Tianhe Exhibition Hall - - - 壹舍设计的设计师方磊确立以“道生万物”为设计链路,是在充分解读项目背景、企业文化和精神后,并挖掘建筑特征与空间层高优势,从而适宜地嵌套展陈之义。整体强调场地、氛围、情感、材质及寓意等,通过艺术化建构、设计逻辑统筹,讲述人与产品、场域及自然环境的趣味关系。 Designer Fang Lei established the design chain of "Dao generates all things" by fully interpreting the project background, corporate culture, and spirit, and explori ………………………………

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