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Call for paper (IF 7.7):截止2025年10月1日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-07 17:58


Carbohydrate Polymers in Cancer Treatment The Scop of Special Issue: This Special Issue covers Detection, Diagnosis, Imaging, Sensing and Treatment of cancer based on CPs-based biomaterials, where various active functional groups of CPs interact with the target enzyme. It also deals with the solubility and reactivity of functional groups, which facilitate the drug delivery and immune response. Moreover, the effect of the polarity of functional groups of CPs on the anti-cancer activity lies in the scope of this Special Issue. The molecular mechanisms underlying cancerous cell mortality caused by CPs, such as apoptosis and cell cycle arrest will also be included in topics of this Special Issue. In a more detailed view, some aspects can be outlined, as followings: Cancer Diagnosis:  Although screening and other approaches have been frequently applied for cancer diagnosis, most of the cancer patients are diagnosed in advanced/late stages, challenging the efficacy of current therapeutics. ………………………………

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