题目: Son Preference or
Matching Inputs with Needs:A Novel
Re-examination of Parental Investment Patterns 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年 6 月 7 日 星 期五 1 2 : 3 0 - 1 3 : 4 5 报 告 人 :孙昂 教授 地 点 : 明德主楼 714 主 持 人 :谢晓晨 摘要: Parenting time is one
of the most critical factors in children's educational investment. Numerous
studies have found that boys receive more parenting time, which is often cited
as evidence of son preference. However, this disparity in parenting time does
not appear to translate into a significant advantage in boys' educational
attainment. This paper aims to comprehensively assess parental educational
investment, including both parental time and outsourced educational services. We
analyzed data from CEPS, CFPS, and UHS and discovered that, on average,
market-purchased educational investments are higher for girls than for boys,
particularly after they reach school age. This indicates that boys and girls
benefit f