最近,李子柒的复出着实让全世界网友们幸福。今天,Jenny和Jason就要分享为什么李子柒在全球都如此广受欢迎,国外网友为什么那么喜爱她和她的视频。 Li ziqi came back after a 3-year hiatus : 李子柒蛰伏三年后复出 Li is arguably the biggest influencer in China who has also successfully captured a global audience: 李子柒可谓是中国最有影响力的网红,同时也成功吸引了全球受众 She is beloved globally: 她在全球都受到喜爱 The comments on her videos whether in Chinese or English are overwhelmingly positive and loving: 她视频的评论,无论是中文还是英文,基本上都是积极正向、充满爱 Li is best-known for sharing soothing, meticulously edited clips of herself cooking traditional Chinese dishes, farming, and working on elaborate art projects, showcasing a bucolic lifestyle: 李子柒以分享舒缓、剪辑精致的视频出名。内容是她烹饪传统菜肴、务