一 研究所简介 Institute Profile 中国科学院⼤连化学物理研究所创建于1949年,坐落于美丽的海滨城市⼤连,背⼭⾯海,环境优美,空⽓清新,科研实⼒雄厚,是⼀个基础研究与应⽤研究并重、应⽤研究和技术转化相结合,以任务带学科为主要特⾊的综合性研究所。 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded in 1949 and is situated in the scenic coastal city of Dalian, surrounded by lush green hills and overlooking the sea with refreshing environment. DICP is recognized for its strong research capabilities and serves as comprehensive research Institute, prioritizes both fundamental and applied research. It adeptly integrates applied research with technological Industrialization, highlighting its distinctive disciplinary focus. 自建所以来,先后有 20 位 科学家当选为中国科学院和中国工程院院士 4 位 科学家当选为发展