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Life丨Berlin orchestra sets a masterful tone

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-06-28 12:53
The Berliner Philharmoniker begins its 10-day residence in Shanghai this week from Monday to next Tuesday. The prestigious orchestra from Germany will join hands with Chinese pianist Yuja Wang to present 11 concerts, including four symphonic performances, and a series of educational projects around the city.▲The Berliner Philharmoniker presented its first concert, featuring pianist Yuja Wang, at the Shanghai Grand Theatre on Wednesday.This is the first time the 142-year-old German symphony will hold a residency program in China. More than 6,000 tickets for four symphony concerts sold out within five minutes in April, when ticket sales kicked off, according to the China Shanghai International Arts Festival, host of the program. The festival also revealed that more than 40 percent of the ticket buyers were not from Shanghai, but 21 other provinces and cities across China and abroad.▲Andrea Zietzschmann (right), general manager of Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation, gives free tickets ………………………………

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