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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-11-30 05:30
写在前面    这篇文章选自《经济学人》的年度专题,文章对2018年做了展望。接下来的一年会是什么样的呢?如果用文中的一个词概括,那就是supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 奇妙的。原文The World in 2018It promises to be a nerve-jangling year. Britain will anxiously wait to see whether its exit from the European Union is to happen smoothly, or traumatically without a deal. Long-suffering people in Iraq and Syria will wonder what new conflicts will emerge after the territorial defeat of Islamic State. Asia, and the wider world, will stare into the nuclear abyss as a result of North Korea's brinkmanship. No wonder Senator John McCain and others looking ahead here to 2018 urge a strong defence of the rules-based world order that is the best hope for peace and prosperity.Yet optimism will be in the air as well. The worl ………………………………

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