专栏名称: 理想聚焦
生命中总会有一束光 足以照亮前方的道路
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理想聚焦  · 公众号  · 公知  · 2018-09-14 00:30


公知智库 生命中总会有一束光 足以照亮前方的道路 1、10年前的收信 10年前,收到电子邮件特别开心,而现在能收到一封信才值得开心。 2、曾经看电视的你 曾经看电视(电视很胖)的你很瘦 现在看电视(电视很瘦)的你很胖 3、现在看医生 Make friends: You don't have to pay for money and power, but you have to pay for good things; you don't have to be nice, but you have to be kind-hearted. Make friends: You don't have to give your heart to your lungs, but you have to deal with your heart and lungs. You don't have to give it a boost, but you have to help each other. make friends: No need to talk sweetly, sincere; You don't need to go to the pilgrimage, just remember. Do not need a beautiful sentence, really good; No need to deliberately form, warmth is good; It’s hard to stand by and not stand by Can ………………………………

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