这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』 6.16 洗一个澡,看一朵花,吃一顿饭,假使你觉得快活,并非全因为澡洗得干净,花开得好,或者菜合你口味,主要因为你心上没有挂碍。 Taking a shower, looking at a flower, having a meal, if you feel happy, it's not all because the shower is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the dishes are to your taste, but mainly because you're not worried. 真正的胆大是一种坚持独立思考、不随大流、不被舆论左右、敢于在良心的指引下说话、做事的精神。 True courage is a spirit of independent thinking, not following the crowd, not being influenced by public opinion, and daring to speak and act under the guidance of conscience. 工作和家庭是一样的,没有坚定的意志是维持不下去的。 Work and family are the same, without a firm will, it cannot be sustained. 合什么群,合谁的群,和谁合群,在丑小鸭的世界里天鹅也有罪,不需要合