Key takeaways: 1、YH Entertainment has been approved for a Hong Kong IPO and aims to raise up to $200 million, even as its declining net profit margin may raise concerns for investors 2、Artist management is the company’s top income source, accounting for 90% of its revenue Entertainment companies count artists as their most important assets, with retention of A-listers often a matter of life and death. At the same time, show business has become one of the riskiest industries in China due to tight government control that can sometimes see today’s stars tumble from grace for anything from tax evasion to bad behavior. So, any companies from the business walk a tightrope everyday, especially talent managers whose hot commodity today could become an industry pariah tomorrow. China’s top talent agency star is YH Entertainment Group , which passed an IPO hearing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last Sunday. The nation’s largest entertainer-management firm previousl