专栏名称: 3X3 BAR
北京TheBox年轻力中心篮球场旁红色楼梯上3层01 3rd floor by the red stairs @The Box, Beijing | 周一至周五 Mon-Fri 18:00-2:00周末 Sat-Sun 14:00-4:00
今天看啥  ›  专栏  ›  3X3 BAR

◤3X3 x AURORA◢ 上周回顾|09.14 - 09.15 @ Coeus,「QUEEN’s NIGHT」!

3X3 BAR  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-17 18:00


感谢大家的参与和支持!我们这周再见…… ● 派对预告 / PARTY NOTICE 加入群组 Join the group → 进入轻松的线下社交氛围,找寻超脱当下触觉的快乐瞬间。在3x3我们“不装”,务实去玩“玩就是玩,不展示给谁看”。喝最好的酒,见最好的朋友,3x3等于酒,就是这么简单随性。 Welcome to 3x3, the city's one-of-a-kind hangout – we're not about fancy, we're all about keeping it real. With our Open Bar setup, it's like having your own private hideaway, where every sip feels like a nod to your personal style.  And when those DJs from around the globe drop their beats, it's all about that unadulterated vibe. No stress, just freedom – perfect for those who've seen it all. 登上纽约风格且街头感十足的 红色室外楼梯 ,进入身处于闹市中却能让人瞬间放松神经的3x3,无论你是e人还是i人,在这里都能找到最舒适的角落。 室外为街头篮球爱好者打造 ………………………………

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