仅有两根弦的二胡, 却能演绎出无尽的悲欢离合。 在温婉的江南水乡, 二胡延续着它的故事。 Erhu, a simple two-stringed instrument, can express endless joys and sorrows. In the gentle water towns of Jiangnan area, the erhu continues to tell its story. 被誉为 “中国二胡之乡” , 无锡梅村每年生产50000把二胡, 占全国中高端市场的四分之一。 Known as the "Hometown of Chinese Erhu", Wuxi's Meicun produces 50,000 erhus annually, accounting for one-fourth of the China's high-end erhu market. 二胡制作大师卜广军, 正在打磨其中之一。 Bu Guangjun, an erhu master craftsman, is meticulously crafting one of them. 上好的原料, 让二胡历经时光依旧保持形状稳定。 无数次的手工打磨, 带来玉石一般的温润质感。 High-quality materials allow the erhu to withstand the passage of time while maintaining its stable shape. Countless hours of manual polishing bring about a smooth textu