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Wonderful Citrus: Opening of Korean market for Texas Grapefru

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-11 09:30


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 On June 27, 2024, South Korea’s national plant protection organization—the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA)—officially announced that grapefruit from Texas had gained access to the country.  The USDA stated that this market, which already imports grapefruit from California and Florida, is worth $5 million annually. Speaking on this new market access, Chris Cockle, Vice President of import/export sales at  Wonderful Citrus , told  FreshFruitPortal.com  that for many years, Wonderful's government affairs team and Texas Citrus Mutual worked hand in hand with the USDA to secure this new access to Korea. "We look forward to educating and promoting our products in Korea as a strategic market to help diversify our export business," Cockle said.  The company, which also participated in the opening of Vietnam for Texas grapefruits is looking forward to the opportunity of leveraging its full portfolio through its existing partnerships. Along ………………………………

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