Gwen词链儿学习法 / 口语提升法门 “词链儿学口语”三步走: Step 1: 输入:地道素材原句中挑词链儿 Step 2: 口语化:地道的英语和地道的汉语做对接 Step 3: 输出:替换造句用出来 点击跳转回顾 【为什么学了这么多年,还是哑巴英语?】 点击跳转回顾 【学英语,你用对方法了吗?】 点击跳转回顾 【怎么利用词链儿练口语】 看电影学口语 点击边框调出视频工具条 电影《The devil wears Prada 》 向上滑动查看字幕 Andrea Wait. You got a job at a fashion magazine? Well, what was it, a phone interview? Aw… Don’t be a jerk. No, I’m just… Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable. Okay, Doug. How is it that you know who she is and I didn’t? I’m actually a girl. That would explain so much. Look, seriously, Miranda Priestly is a huge deal. A million girls would kill for that job. Yeah, great. The thing is, I’m not one of them. Well, l