专栏名称: GDG
GDG上海微信助手 - 发布最新活动通知(每月都有线下技术分享,workshop和聚会),和开发女神,码农,创业者,设计师,产品经理们做朋友吧!
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World Cup with GDG Community!

GDG  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-06 13:46
World Cup ! and Geek Night!In the midst of big data, artificial intelligence, and the technology of blockchain, the traditional companies are inevitably suffering from "transition anxiety" in such an atmosphere. Then, can traditional enterprises seize this reshuffle? Can they find new growth points? How to open up O2O and sharing-business opportunities after the economic boom? This time, GDG Shanghai (Google Developer Group) community invites some guests from all walks of life to discuss with them and make the brains of traditional enterprises smart. Traditional industry elites and Internet industry elites will jointly create a new "light business" event, and look forward to your joining!You may want to know that after the end of the sharing, we will eat snacks together and watch the World Cup!We Align Our Agenda With World Cup!Theme: Tech Applying in Upgrading Traditional Industr ………………………………

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