▲ 更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” 长沙·JJM 总部 UNIT JJM 总部是长沙市梅溪湖片区的新地标。UNIT 于 2014 年受托设计该项目,一期工程于 2016 年完工,二期工程于 2023 年完工。JJM是中国一家生产GPU芯片并实现大规模工程应用的企业,是该领域的领军企业之一。 JJM headquarters is the new landmark of Meixi Lake District in the city of Changsha. UNIT was commissioned to design this project in 2014, the first phase was completed in 2016, and the second phase was completed in 2023. JJM is the first enterprise in China that manufactures GPU chips and achieves massive engineering applications, it is one of the leading companies in this field. 该建筑与周围美丽的山水无缝融合。"设计旨在打造公司的标志性建筑和梅溪湖地区的地标性建筑。这座建筑代表着 JJM 未来的无限潜力"。UNIT 负责人杨茂阳在一份声明中解释道。 The building seamlessly integrates wit