专栏名称: 沪江英语
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沪江英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-20 19:02


polish有“擦亮,磨光”的意思,那么, polish the apple 是什么意思?可以翻译成“擦苹果”吗? 其实,这是一个英语习语,意思是 通过过度的奉承或讨好来试图赢得某人的好感或认可 。 例句:He's always polishing the apple to the boss. 他总是拍老板的马屁。 那么, apple-polisher 的意思,你肯定也懂了吧? 没错,就是 “马屁精” 啦! 例句:She is a real apple polisher. She crawls around the boss all day. 她是个马屁精,整天围着老板转。 来源 This is a saying that first emerged in school, based on the practice of a student bringing a favorite teacher an apple for a treat. When the student polished the apple he gave to the teacher, his fellow students thought, wow, that’s going too far. He’s an “apple polisher.” 这种说法起源于很久以前在美国校园中的一个风俗习惯。学生会送一个苹果给自己心目中最棒的老师,而如果有学生特别 ………………………………

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