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China丨Museum dedicated to sci-fi writer opens

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-10-15 10:29


China launched its first literary museum dedicated to Liu Cixin, a renowned science fiction writer and Hugo Award winning novelist, in Yangquan, Shanxi province, on Sunday.    While accepting the nation's honor and unveiling the Liu Cixin Sci-fi Museum, Liu, author of the acclaimed sci-fi novel trilogy The Three-Body Problem who grew up in Yangquan, said that he hopes the museum can help the general public gain a better understanding of the sci-fi literature and develop an interest in the genre.    Located at a cultural park, the 700-square-meter museum educates visitors about Liu's growth, his books and awards, and cultural and creative products derived from his works. Immersive projectors also create an atmosphere mimicking interstellar voyages described in Liu's novels.    Born in 1963, Liu wrote novels that gained fame in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with works including The Village Teacher and The Wandering Earth.    The first volume of The Three-Body Problem was first ………………………………

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