导语 2025新春,一款可“撕开”的啤酒瓶,成为消费者热议的焦点。这款产品通过可撕式瓶衣设计,巧妙将蛇年“蜕旧焕新”的吉祥寓意融入开瓶的“仪式感”中,为消费者打造出承载新春情感的记忆锚点。 一瓶啤酒,何以成为新年大众的情绪载体?百威啤酒用“文化仪式感+在地化创意+社会化共情”的三重奏,交出了一份令人满意的答卷。 This Chinese New Year, Budweiser’s newly launched limited-edition “Renewal Bottle” did more than just sell beer — it ignited joy, revitalized local economies, and instilled hope into people’s hearts during China’s most important holiday season. Tapping into the cultural pulse: A ritual for renewal The company’s “Renewal Bottle” has succeeded in transforming the simple act of opening a beer into a “renewal ritual”. When peeled off, its outer layer unveils one of six auspicious messages — “Prosperity”, “Abund