📢 文末扫码进裙,免费领取双语精读讲义 Society and the internet: The bloom is off the rose A veteran critic of technology offers his take on a familiar target The Economist Culture Jan 30th 2025 | 824 words | ★★★★☆ In early 2019 an unusual abundance of orange poppies appeared on the slopes of Walker Canyon, in the Temescal Mountains south-east of Los Angeles. Social-media influencers flocked to the scene to take pictures of themselves among the blossoms, prompting their followers to do the same. The “superbloom” of flowers produced a superbloom of people, trampling the poppies, causing gridlock and creating a public-safety hazard. For Nicholas Carr, a thoughtful critic of technology and its consequences, all this is a metaphor for today’s media-saturated world. Like poppies, social platforms look pretty, but a form of narcotic is contained within. “We live today in a perpetual superbloom—not of flowers but of messages,” he writes in “Superb