由零壹城市为福建三松集团设计的三松璞玉大厦现已落成。项目坐落于福州高新技术产业开发区滨江带核心位置,阔渺烟波,尽览一线乌龙江美景。总建筑面积66642,84 平方米,提供办公与商业等综合商务配套。 The "SANSONG PUYU" Building, designed by LYCS Architecture for Fujian SANSONG Group, has been completed. Located in the core area of the Binjiang Belt of the Fuzhou High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, the project offers expansive views of the beautiful Wulong River. With a total construction area of 66642,84 square meters, it provides a comprehensive range of facilities, including office and commercial. 福州高新技术产业开发区是全国首批国家级高新区,自 1991 年开发至今已吸引超过7000家企业在此落户,涵盖人工智能、生物医疗和电子信息等多个高科技领域,鳞次栉比的办公楼在乌龙江沿岸已然形成气势磅礴的现代城市画卷。如何在不