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如何快准稳 实现MySQL大表历史数据迁移?

谈数据  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-06 07:30


来源:dbaplus社群 全文共  9590  个字,建议阅读  15  分钟 一、历史数据迁移 项目地址: 1 、https: //gitee.com/xl-echo/dataMigration 2 、https: //github.com/xl-echo/dataMigration 历史迁移解决方案以微服务架构为基础,使用多种设计模式,如:单例、桥接、工厂、模板、策略等。其中涉及的核心技术有多线程、过滤器等,致力于解决MySQL大表迁移的问题,提供多种迁移模式,如:库到库、库到文件再到库等! Historical migration solution. Based on the architecture of microservices, multiple design patterns are used, such as simple interest, bridge, factory, template, strategy, etc. The core technologies involved include multithreading, filters, etc. It is committed to solving the problem of MySQL large table migration. Provide multiple migration modes, such as library to library, library to file, and then to library. 二、开发环境 三、技术框架 四、需求分析和结 ………………………………

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