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“北斋. 漫步” I 展览

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-26 08:40


“北斋. 漫步”展览在克拉科夫国家博物馆内呈现了一个令人叹为观止的空间,融合了艺术、建筑和自然的元素,以及对葛饰北斋作品和日本传统文化的敬意。 The exhibition "Walking in the North" presents a breathtaking space within the Krakow National Museum, blending elements of art, architecture, and nature, as well as paying tribute to the works of Katsushika Hokusai and traditional Japanese culture.  “北斋. 漫步”展览   Exhibition of "Walking in Beizhai" - - - 展览的设计灵感来自北斋独特的板画作品,以及日本传统文化中的各种主题。通过布局上的“忽隐忽现”,参观者仿佛置身于传统寺庙、宫殿和花园之中,感受到了日本文化的深厚底蕴。 The design inspiration for the exhibition comes from Beizhai's unique panel paintings and various themes in traditional Japanese culture. Through the "flicker" in the layout, visitors feel as if they are immersed in trad ………………………………

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