10月3日晚,国庆档影片《出入平安》官方微博宣布影片撤档:“电影在上映期间遭遇到了前所未有的困难和挑战,遗憾未能与更多满怀期待的观众见面。《出入平安》决定退出国庆档,上映档期待定。” 该片由刘江江(《人生大事》导演)执导,肖央、阿云嘎、古力娜扎、黄小蕾领衔主演,杨恩又特别出演。影片根据真实事件改编,也是刘江江继《人生大事》之后再度挑战现实题材,聚焦灾难之下的人性抉择。自9月30日上映以来,收获总票房1700万元。 Give You a Candy , a film directed by Liu Jiangjiang, has canceled its screenings for the National Day holiday. The movie announced on its official Weibo account on Thursday evening that this decision was made due to "unprecedented difficulties and challenges encountered during its release". The date for resuming screenings has not yet been determined, it said. 据灯塔专业版,截至10月3