专栏名称: CSSOPE
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CSSOPE  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-15 09:14


日前, ENPPI Engineering for the Petroleum and Process Industries 负责人确认参与将于6月20-21日在上海举办的“第十四届中国石油化工装备采购国际峰会暨展览会(CSSOPE 2024)”, 与优秀供应商洽谈合作,就目前项目寻找优质供应商,携手共赢 。 P ART.01  / 拟在建项目信息 P ART.02  / 关于埃及ENPPI Enppi is internationally recognized as a major engineering, EPC main contractor and management contractor, with decades of experience in onshore and offshore projects in the oil and gas, refining and petrochemical industries.  Engineering for the Petroleum and Process Industries (Enppi) was established on January 15, 1978, and is currently working under Egyptian Investment Law 8 for 1997. The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) is the principal shareholder, owning 97% of the total shares of Enppi. 应业主、供应商及服务商的急迫需求,为帮助企业了解最新行业政策、发展趋势、项 ………………………………

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