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美国法院判决谷歌公司为垄断,然后呢?| 经济学人

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-14 08:30


📢  文末扫码进裙,免费领取双语精读版 A court says Google is a monopolist. Now what? The ruling could lead to a big-tech showdown. The Economist Google  8 August, 2024 | 913words | ★★ ★ ★ ☆ Amid the 286-page judgment, issued after nearly four years of trial proceedings and petabytes of evidence, four words stand out. “Google is a monopolist,” wrote Amit Mehta, the judge of a district court in America, adding that “it has acted as one”. His ruling, handed down on August 5th, could lead to big changes for the multi-billion-dollar search market - and for the wider tech industry. Google handles around 90% of search queries in America (including 95% of those on mobile phones), forming the foundation of the world’s largest advertising business. People use it partly because it is good at finding things, but also because it is usually the default search engine on their phone or browser. Google maintains this privileged position by paying colossal sums t ………………………………

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