Dynamic accessibility measurement and optimization The dynamic accessibility affected by dynamic living environments attracts more and more attentions, but limits to the requirements of large amounts of data. The big data era makes it possible to accurately collect detailed data to measure the dynamic traffic conditions and the changing available opportunities at the destination, so that dynamic accessibility is expected to be measured. In order to improve the dynamic convenience of travel purpose achievements, it is necessary to have an optimization of dynamic accessibility. As a result, the pursued efficient management and operation will be supported by the dynamic accessibility measurement and optimization. Guest editors: 1) Dr. Yongsheng Zhang - Beijing Jiaotong University, Haidian District, Beijing, China: yshzh@bjtu.edu.cn 2) Dr. Bobin Wang - Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada: bobin.wang@gmc.ulaval.ca 3) Dr Enjian Yao - Beijing Jiaotong University, Haidian Dis