【 原文 】 作为社会的人,交往和独处是两种不可或缺的生活方式。正如身体需要不断摄取能量,人的精神层面也需新信息的不断补充;但信息不等于知识、思想和情感,它需要沉淀下来,慢慢地被转化和整合,而这些不是在乱哄哄的社交而是在静静的独处中完成的。在西方,人们相信 “ 灵魂在寂静中成长 ” ;在中国,孔子 “ 吾日三省吾身 ” 方成圣人。 【 参考译文 】 To socialize and to stay alone are two indispensable ways of life for any social being. Inflow of new information is essential to our mind as intake of energy is to our body. However, to become knowledge, thoughts, and emotions, the information need to accumulate for gradual transformation and integration, which will not happen in a social whirl but in solitude. In the West, it is believed that “souls grow in seclusion"; in China, it is through “constantly reflecting on the self” that Confuc