1 期刊信息: 期刊名称: China Finance Review International (SSCI) 影响因子:9.00 JCR分区: Q1, BUSINESS, 22/153 Q1, REGIONAL & URBAN PLANNING, 1/40 中科院分区: 大类:经济学1区 小类:商业:财政与金融1区 审稿周期: 第一轮审稿周期:27天 2 专刊信息: 专刊编辑: Professor Chuanwang Sun,Xiamen University, China. Email:cw_sun@foxmail.com Dr. Yanhong Zhan,Southeast University, China. Dr. Yanhong Zhan (Email: yanhong_zhan@foxmail.com) Dr. Manzoor Ahmad,University of Southampton Malaysia, Malaysia. Email: m.ahmad@soton.ac.uk 专刊链接: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/calls-for-papers/green-finance-and-new-quality-productive-forces 3 详细内容: Special Issue Information Developing a robust financial system is crucial for advancing high-quality growth in China's real economy and boosting the nation's core competitiveness. In the context of global climate change and the rise of "New quality productive force