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鹿特丹粗犷和大胆的表达方式 I 鹿特丹NIO蔚来中心

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-12 08:40


©Ossip van Duivenbode 位于鹿特丹的“蔚来中心”最近开放,这也是电动汽车制造商NIO蔚来在荷兰的首家品牌体验空间。由MVRDV负责设计的室内充满了鹿特丹的粗犷和大胆表达的特质,同时融合了NIO品牌成熟且温暖的审美。这个项目采用了NIO品牌标志性的零售店设置方法,结合了咖啡馆、休息室、儿童游乐区、论坛空间、工作室和艺术展览空间,创造出一个灵活多变的内部空间,为鹿特丹市最著名的购物街贡献了活跃的氛围。 The "NIO Center" located in Rotterdam has recently opened, which is also NIO's first brand experience space in the Netherlands for electric vehicle manufacturer NIO. The interior designed by MVRDV is full of Rotterdam's rugged and bold expression, while incorporating NIO's mature and warm aesthetic. This project adopts NIO's iconic retail store setup method, combining cafes, lounges, children's play areas, forum spaces, studios, and art ………………………………

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