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【推荐+必看】从《爱乐之城》到《黑客帝国》:人工智能能取代产品管理吗? | 第995篇

中国产品经理联盟  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-11 09:24


作者微信:UCPMTangYuan(可联系我沟通一切事宜) 加群,提问题,成为VIP会员,合作,企业服务...... 资料来源于网络,翻译仅供参考,不代表译者任何观点 Artificial intelligence (AI) has been sprinting forward at a mind-boggling pace recently, throwing up more questions than answers. I wrote a piece about the impact of AI on product management, one where I kind of shrugged and said “how about we chat again in 100 years?” Well, I’ve been reflecting on the points I made. 人工智能(AI)最近一直在以令人难以置信的速度向前冲刺,提出的问题比答案更多。我写了一篇关于人工智能对产品管理的影响的文章,在其中我耸了耸肩,说:”我们在100年后再聊天怎么样?”我一直在反思我的观点。 I’m still as clueless as I was about when or if AI is going to elbow in on roles needing a soft touch or heavy dose of critical thinking. Truth be told, the crystal ball has ………………………………

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