关键观点1: 中国去年的大气二氧化碳浓度年度增幅略低于过去平均水平
关键观点2: 青海瓦里关基准观测站的数据揭示大气平均二氧化碳浓度
关键观点3: 中国气象局发布了关于其他两种主要温室气体的平均浓度的数据
关键观点4: 中国气象局建立了温室气体监测网络
China's annual increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations last year was slightly lower than the average growth of the past decade, the China Meteorological Administration said on Thursday. The 2023 China Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, released by the CMA on Thursday, revealed that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in 2023 rose by 2.3 parts per million compared to 2022. The rise is slightly below the decade average of 2.4 ppm recorded between 2014 and 2023. "The rise roughly equals the global increase of carbon dioxide concentrations over the same period," said Huang Wei, deputy director of the CMA's Department of Science, Technology and Climate Change. Based on the data collected from the Waliguan Baseline Observatory in Qinghai province, the average carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere reached 421.4 ppm last year. This measurement, reflecting the number of carbon dioxide molecules per million molecules of dry air, is roughly equivalent to the average in the mid-