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瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-03 13:25


HSBC汇丰控股官网显示,其最高决策层由原来的19人缩至13人。 管理层最新的13人如下: 管理层 职位 1 艾桥智(Georges  Elhedery) Group Chief Executive 2 郭佩瑛(Pam  Kaur) Group Chief Financial  Officer 3 Aileen Taylor Group Chief People   & Governance Office 4 Richard Blackburn Interim Group Chief  Risk and Compliance Officer 5 Jonathan  Calvert-Davies Group Head of  Internal Audit 6 Bob Hoyt Group Chief Legal  Officer 7 廖宜建(David Liao) Co-CEO of Asia and  the Middle East 8 Barry O’Byrne CEO of International  Wealth and Premier Banking 9 Stuart Riley Group Chief  Information Officer 10 Michael Roberts CEO of HSBC Bank plc  and CEO of Corporate and Institutional Banking 11 罗铭哲(Surendra  Rosha) Co-CEO of Asia and  the Middle East 12 Ian Stuart CEO of HSBC UK Bank  plc 13 Suzy White Group Chief Operating  Officer 这13人中的12位原来就在, 新加入管理层的 Richard Blackburn ,于2025年1月被任命为 Interi ………………………………

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