快⬆️⬆️点击上方 蓝字 关注并星标 这 个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 词数:381 words 难度:★★★★☆ 小贴士: 这篇文章无论从话题选材、难度、生词积累价值上来说,都是很好的一篇文章,很有学习的价值,不止是划线句,本文一些其他长难句也都建议大家动笔翻译一下。 ——大橙子留 ✦ + + 上期划线句答案 However, this metaphor is misleading, according to Hicks and his colleagues, because it implies that the AI has a perspective or an intent to perceive and convey truth, which it does not. 然而,希克斯和他的同事认为,这个比喻具有误导性,因为它暗示人工智能具有感知和传达事实的视角或意图,而事实并非如此。 ✦ + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 An incumbent with a large market share has less incentive to innovate because the new sales that an innovation would generate might cannibalize sales of its existin