专栏名称: 沪江英语
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沪江英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-03 12:29


据英国媒体报道,英国唯一一对大熊猫 “阳光” 和 “甜甜” 将于下周结束12年的旅英生活,并由爱丁堡动物园返回中国。 这段时间,全英各地民众纷纷赶往动物园,抓紧最后机会与大熊猫告别。 01 长达12年的留英之旅 Edinburgh Zoo visitors have been watching its giant pandas for the final time on Thursday before they are sent back to China. 周四,爱丁堡动物园的游客在大熊猫被送回中国前最后一次去看望了它们。 Visitors were only able to see the pandas in their enclosure until 15:30 and then they were moved out of sight as keepers prepare the bears for the long journey home. 游客们只能在围栏中看到大熊猫,直到 15:30 分,因为饲养员们正在为大熊猫踏上漫长的归途做准备。 For security and safety reasons, the exact date and time of their departure has been withheld but it is believed they are leaving next week. 出于安保和安全考虑,它们离开 ………………………………

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