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JIPB | 封面故事:菠萝参考基因组:T2T 组装与“铂金级”基因结构注释

生信石头  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-23 08:26


第66卷10期封面故事   菠萝参考基因组:T2T 组装与“铂金级”基因结构注释 P ineapple, an important tropical herbaceous fruit tree, is renowned for its juicy composite fruits and distinctive aroma. Its extensive evolutionary history, primarily driven by vegetative propagation, has led to a highly heterozygous genome that has been difficult to fully resolve. Here, Feng et al. (pages 2208–2225) have successfully assembled the first telomere-to-telomere genome of pineapple, accompanied by a meticulously curated, highquality gene structure annotation. These comprehensive genomic resources provide a complete map for postgenomic research and breeding efforts in pineapple. The cover image features a flowering hybrid F 1 plant, the result of a cross between BL and LY, two pineapple varieties used in the study. 菠萝,凤梨科凤梨属植物,果为聚花果,六月成熟,形同火焰,酸甜可口,香气浓郁,是世界性水果,也是热带地区重 ………………………………

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