前言 在日常的文章创作中有些内容填充需要用AI来润色,自己试过很多AI帮助我写文章,其中不乏效果不错的东西,但是没有找到真正惊艳到我的工具或者技巧,今天找到了一个来自外网老哥分享的创作技巧,主要是使用特殊的prompt 告诉AI模拟自己的写作风格来写文章,特别是在Claude系列模型中最有效果。 实践 看了一下感觉过程蛮简单的,就亲自实践了一下,并把过程和结果做个分享,有兴趣的同学们可以试试看 首先设置提示词: 英文提示词 I'm going to provide you with my own written material, and your task will be to understand and mimic its style. You 'll start this exercise by saying "BEGIN." After, I' ll present an example text , to which you 'll respond, "CONTINUE". The process will continue similarly with another piece of writing and then with further examples. I' ll give you unlimited examples. Your response will only