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Chad Dorsey | 动态轻松的品味生活

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-30 17:51


Chad Dorsey  Design是一家总部位于美国得克萨斯州的室内设计工作室,由创始人成立于2018年,专门提供全方位的设计服务,在洛杉矶设有分部。伴随着几十年丰富经验, Chad Dorsey 创造了精致的室内设计,平衡了剪裁风格和现代生活的精神。 Chad Dorsey Design is a Texas-based interior Design studio founded in 2018 that specializes in providing a full range of Design services with a Los Angeles office. With decades of experience, Chad Dorsey has created exquisite interiors that balance the tailoring style with the spirit of modern living. Chad Dorsey 在田纳西州长大,他对汽车、旅行和建筑的热爱很早就开始了,这也激发了他对美学的热情。这一热情促使他攻读了建筑学学位,并在酒店设计领域取得了丰富的职业生涯。作为一名专业的设计师, C ………………………………

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