“ 空间的一半依赖于设计 另一半则源自于存在与精神 ” “Half of space depends on design the other half is derived from presence and spirit.” ——安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando) - O XXII Apartment 项目位于米兰历史中心的一座建筑内,是所谓的“Quadrilatero della moda”的一部分。 The O XXII Apartment project is located in a building in the historic center of Milan and is part of the so-called 'Quadrilatero della Moda'. 客户希望通过改变其预期用途来重新利用这间公寓,该公寓直到最近还被用作小型工作室。我们的策略是打造一个奢华的住宿环境,每个细节都做到完美。 The client wishes to repurpose this apartment by changing its intended use, which was previously used as a small studio. Our strategy is to create a luxurious accommodation environment where every detail is perfect. 公寓通向起居区,休闲区位于卡纳莱托胡桃木覆盖的凹室中,而在左右墙