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Call for paper (IF 6.5):截止2024年12月1日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-01 17:58


Special Issue dedicated to the 13th International Workshop on Application of Electrochemical Techniques to Organic Coatings, AETOC2024, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 28-31 May 2024 This Special Issue is devoted to the lectures discussed during the 13th International Workshop on “Application of Electrochemical Techniques to Organic Coatings (AETOC)”. Guest editors: Arjan Mol , Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Email:  J.M.C.Mol@tudelft.nl Santiago Garcia , Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Email:  S.J.Garciaespallargas@tudelft.nl Can Özkan , Delft University of Technology , The Netherlands Email:  C.Ozkan@tudelft.nl Special issue information: The AETOC workshop deals with all topics related to recent developments in the application of electrochemical techniques to the study and monitoring of organic coatings, as well as novel hybrid sol-gel and composite coatings with self-healing and protective properties. This may also include new emerging direc ………………………………

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