专栏名称: 设计之旅
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[新作] 涛墨设计 / 极简·东方

设计之旅  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-05-24 12:00


极简·东方 Minimalist · Oriental 东方元素,无需言语,却足以触动我们的心灵 极简,极致的功能性和空间感 极简与东方的碰撞 创造跨越传统与现代的情感共鸣 ——TAMO 涛墨设计 “买了精装房,但是房子的风格不喜欢怎么办?”这是业主武先生找到我们团队沟通时提出的第一个疑问,虽然是简单的发问,却能代表众多买精装房业主的心声。问题简单但却引发了我们团队的无限思考,因为这绝不仅仅是回答一句“拆了重装”那么简单的事情。 "What should I do if I buy a furnished house but don't like the style of the house?" This is the first question raised by Mr. Wu, the owner, when he approached our team for communication. Although it is a simple question, it can represent the voices of many homeowners who buy furnished houses. The question is simple, but it has sparked infinite thinking in our team, because it is not just about answering the simpl ………………………………

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