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量化前沿速递  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-17 12:00


机器翻译,仅供参考!可使用微信自带翻译功能自行翻译 更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 获取 文献链接/翻译/pdf 请加入知识星球“ 量化前沿速递 ” 文献汇总 [1] Timing the Bubble: Institutional Gains from Overvalued High Salient Stocks 泡沫时机:高估的高知名度股票的机构收益 来源:市场微观结构_20241010 [1] Timing the Bubble: Institutional Gains from Overvalued High Salient Stocks 标题:泡沫时机:高估的高知名度股票的机构收益 作者:Xiaofang Li,Peilong Shen,Daye Li,Xiaoting Wang 来源:市场微观结构_20241010 Abstract : Abstract: Institutional investors also hold salient stocks, which are often bubble stocks. By engaging in bubble riding—buying overvalued stocks and selling them before the bubble bursts—they profit while individual investors bear the losses. This salient stock preference aligns with the behavior and expected outcomes of rational bubble riding. However ………………………………

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