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Japanese apple 'Kimito' to be produced in South Africa

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-15 09:30


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 Wismettac Foods Inc., a subsidiary of Tokyo-based food trading house Nishimoto Co. recently entered an agreement to produce Kimito apples in South Africa,  The Asahi Shimbun  reported. The venture aims to generate royalty fees for the university based on its intellectual property rights. Additionally, the project is expected to help secure year-round availability for the variety. Wismettac will be adopting a “club variety” system, which ensures the intellectual property rights over a plant variety remain protected. Members of the club are then entitled to receive licenses to produce and market the variety. The Kimito apple was developed by Hirosaki University breedings in Aomori, the northernmost prefecture on Japan's main island, Honshu. Aomori is famed for its apples, producing over 50% of Japan’s total apple volume. Kimito has been a registered variety in Japan since 2016 and is well-known for its extended shelf-life. The apple presents a ye ………………………………

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