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DINZ德网 | 水石设计 · 沙漠中的“诗和远方”

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 16:53


项目地位于中国宁夏中卫沙坡头国家级自然生态保护区,地处腾格里沙漠的东南缘,现为国家AAAAA级旅游景区。这里集大漠、黄河、高山、绿洲为一处,具西北风光之雄奇,兼江南景色之秀美。在这里可以骑骆驼穿越腾格里沙漠,可以乘坐越野车沙海冲浪,咫尺之间可以领略大漠孤烟、长河落日的奇观。 The project is located at Shapotou, Zhongwei, Ningxia, China, a national nature reserve as well as a national AAAAA-rated scenic area on the southeast brink of Tengger Desert. This is the place to discover the desert, the Yellow River, high mountains and oases, the scenery full of the grand northwestern miracles and the delicate southern elegance. Here you can traverse Tengger Desert on camels or surf the sand dunes in an all-terrain, and immerse in the poetic sight of “a lonely column of smoke rising upright in the vast desert, and the sun setting round towards where the long river flows ………………………………

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