Brighton Whyte redefines luxury, craft, and clever space planning that can contribute to an efficient and streamlined lifestyle. Having a family of three teenage children and a busy social and working calender, the house was designed for efficiency. Carefully considered boot rooms and back-of-house areas mean that the beautiful home runs like a well-oiled machine. Everything has been carefully detailed and storage solutions maximized with places for school bags and blazer drop off, sports equipment storage for each school day, and after-school activity. Brighton Whyte 重新定义了奢华、工艺和巧妙的空间规划,有助于打造高效、精简的生活方式。由于家里有三个十几岁的孩子,社交和工作日程繁忙,所以这所房子的设计是为了提高效率。经过仔细考虑的引导室和后勤区域意味着美丽的住宅就像一台运转良好的机器一样运行。一切都经过精心设计,存储解决方案最大化,包括书包和西