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吸渣体质真的存在吗?为什么你总会碰到渣男?| 卫报

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-20 09:44


📢  文末扫码进裙,免费领取双语精读讲义 Attracting the wrong type of guys So why do we attract such type of guys.  The Guardian Relationship May 12, 2024 | 898 words | ★★★☆☆ We have a way of attracting some kind of men sometimes. We meet all sorts everytime and no matter how they have hurt us in the past relationship, we end up giving another a chance to do the same thing.  So why do we attract such type of guys. The answer is not so much that you have some kind of magnet attached to your forehead that attracts such guys, but more to do with self sabotaging feelings and beliefs you may be carrying around without realizing it. When you have the same problem in each of your relationships, you must consider that the issue may in fact be you. Not to fear, all of these reasons are completely fixable. You Are Not Happy With Yourself I am sure you see me going on and on about self confidence. “Self confidence is sexy” and “Confident people draw the opposit ………………………………

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