这个夏天值得纪念。 The summer is one to remember. 「ROARING LAND」的诞生,重新打开了中国的贝斯世界大门。广州将再次证明低音之都地位的不可撼动,同时伴随着低音战火的蔓延,这标志着Dubstep将不止于广东,上海这座超级都市也将重新成为中国Bass场景中不可缺少的版块。 The birth of "ROARING LAND" has reopened the doors to the world of bass music in China. Guangzhou will once again prove its unshakable status as the capital of low frequencies. As the bass wave spreads, this marks a new era where Dubstep will extend beyond Guangdong, with the metropolis of Shanghai reclaiming its essential role in the Chinese Bass scene. 以「咆哮大陆」为名,在这万象繁华中执行征战任务的,是由VASTIVE及其带领的16位中国Dubstep历代代表,他们携手接下这个重磅的任务,势必用最凶狠炸裂、热血、疯狂的音乐引领这场低音战役! Under the banner of "ROARING L